Monday, October 3, 2011

Salsa Days!

Last Friday was Salsa making day at my house.  I had so many tomatoes...many from my garden as well as my in-laws.  So I gathered them all up...blanched off the skins and starting chopping.

Do you see the lovely chopper in the picture?  It is an amazing machine.  My mother bought it for me at Costco.  I love it so much.  It makes the job of making salsa so easy.  All the ingredients in my salsa get run thru the chopper, then it's ready to be cooked and canned.

Here is what my dining room table looked like before I started the Salsa making process.  It's a disaster!

Here is my beautiful Salsa AFTER!

I made three batches and gave away one batch this is what I have left.  These jars will be gone in a family practically drinks the stuff so I'm sure I will be making more pretty soon.

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