Sunday, November 24, 2013

Trying a New Look

I love 'changing' things...whether it's my furniture, my clothes (just ask my husband), or a recipe.  But when it comes to my blog I've been a bit scared of making a change.  Blogging has been hard for me...I wrestle with things like:
what do I 'blog' about
what do people want to read...
what can I offer that people care about reading...
what if I'm boring...
what if no one reads my blog...
blah, blah, blah...

So in my quest to make my blog better I took the plunge and decided to change the format a little.  Bear with me as I will probably be making little changes along the way.

Man, I have to say, there's some good bloggers out there.  I could make a list of some of THE best bloggers I've found who always have the best information, best photos, and best ideas.  Sometimes though I find it all a bit overwhelming...I mean, wow!, how do they get so much done in one day when I'm lucky to get one load of laundry done AND make dinner. :)  I've tried to learn from all of them and I still feel I come up short, but we can only do what we can do, right?  I mean, who has time to blog, check email, Facebook, and Twitter.  Phew!...that's a lot of social media to keep track of.  For myself, I've had to back away from some of them and take a breather.  It just can ALL be overwhelming.

Let us not forget ALL the things we can be thankful for as we celebrate Thanksgiving this week.  Personally, I've struggled this week with feeling thankful.  Believe me, I AM so thankful and have no reason to complain about anything.  But sometimes it's just easy to fall into a time of sadness.  It's been a trying last couple of months, with my father's horrible fall from a ladder, my sister moving so very far away, fracturing my foot, and just every day life with it's trials.  So I will 'choose' to be happy and remember all that I am thankful for as I prepare for dinner at my house on Thursday.

My hope is you too will have a very merry, happy Thanksgiving with your family and friends too...little do my family and friends know that I'm 'changing' dinner from traditional whole Turkey to Big, Flakey, Turkey Pot Pies!  Hopefully they will still love me.

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